PhD studentship – geospatial analysis of podoconiosis occurrence

Superb opportunity to work on podoconiosis on a fully-funded PhD studentship at the University of Brighton, in collaboration with some truly incredible people.

Specific research questions of the studentship:

  • Assess the links between environmental abiotic variables (chemical and mineralogical) and disease prevalence (podoconiosis), and proximities, in Ethiopia and Cameroon.
  • Integrate soil data, locations and characteristics, with multispectral and hyperspectral remotely sensed data for use in podoconiosis mapping. Incorporate the use of machine learning and data assimilation to determine the most accurate soil and health risk classification approaches.
  • Develop and validate spatial modelling techniques to provide supporting evidence for the role of soil properties and locations in the local development of podoconiosis with the view to expand model analysis to regional and continental scales.

Deadline 31st Aug 2017

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